Ainsley Wade (12), number six and an outside hitter on Granada’s Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team, is this week’s Athlete of the Week.
Ainsley has been playing volleyball for 6 years after starting to play in 7th grade with the hope of trying something new. She said, “I quit gymnastics and I wanted to do something else and volleyball was there.”
Wade spends hours every day practicing volleyball and her hard work pays off. Being a student-athlete is very time-consuming and challenging for many people. Ainsley plays the game 5 days a week, but her favorite part is that “I’m always busy, and I’m always active.” Before games, Ainsley likes to prepare herself with a routine saying, “Pre-game routine would probably be listening to some music and just getting.” With a consistent routine, you are able to boost your confidence and even get excited for a game.
Volleyball is definitely a team sport and everyone has to work together and communicate to ensure that they get the point. Trust is a big part of the game as well, making sure that you can trust your teammates is important. “I have learned to rely on other people and not control every little situation,” says Wade.
Volleyball is a very fun and nerve-wracking game to watch; watching the ball go over the net back and forth is very entertaining. Showing up to the games means a lot to some players. Wade says, “My biggest supporters would have to be my mom and my dad because they’ve gotten me through stuff.”
Ainsley’s positive mentality allows her to excel and succeed in her sport. Ainsley explains that her biggest strength “…would have to be my mentality, I think that the sport is supposed to be fun and when you’re having fun that’s when you do your best.” Ainsley is a perfect example of this. After interviewing her coach, Richard Cortez, he states that Ainsley is, “Very Athletic and jumps extremely well, so she is a great hitter.” Ainsley’s carefree attitude allows her to be a great athlete and teammate.
Wade’s great teamwork and mindset allow her to play her sport very well. With the help of her excellent team and coaches, Ainsley has become a fantastic volleyball player. Ainsley is an amazing athlete and Granda hopes the Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team succeeds this season.