Granada High School National Honor Society Chapter

Pictured above is NHS Parliamentarian Giann Goulart, NHS Secretary Yoav Feigenbaum, NHS Treasurer Ruman Das, NHS Historian Amanda Dunmeyer, NHS President Sarah Suresh, NHS Vice President Najmah Rosha, and NHS Adviser Heidi McMichael

Amanda Dunmeyer, Freelance Reporter

Granada High School inducted over 140 students from Livermore, California into their National Honor Society chapter, who have met and continue to achieve the highest standards for academic excellence. The NHS is open to 10 through 12 grade students with a cumulative 3.7 grade point average or better for the prior school year. Selection is also based on teacher recommendations, community and school involvement, and leadership experience. NHS members must reapply for membership every fall. 

The National Honor Society is for those who embody the four NHS pillars of achievement: Character, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. “We are honored at Granada High to have a club that guides its members to be the best students they can be,” said Principal Clark Conover.

Becoming a member of Granada’s National Honor Society is more than just earning high academic grades on a report card. Through the National Honor Society Granada High School students will learn to serve as role models within their community, students look forward to working with fellow community members and becoming involved in activities that will unite and better our community. Granada High School teacher Heidii McMichael is serving as an adviser to the chapter.