Club Spotlight: New “Women in Business” Club Already Taking Action
Alicia Shaffer, local business owner, speaking to the WIB club about her business journey.
December 10, 2021
As one of the newest additions to Granada’s club community, the Women in Business club aims to teach, communicate and connect with aspiring entrepreneurial students alike. The Women in Business club, also known as “WIB”, opened their doors of inspiration at the beginning of this school year with intentions to develop a space where individuals are guided first hand from current business owners while gaining encouragement and instruction. Through activities and lessons from the guest speakers, WIB club officers and fellow peers, students are gaining well-rounded knowledge on the business world and what they can do to prepare.
President and Creator of the club, Brooklyn Passama, a Junior at Granada, was determined to provide a space that introduces young men and women seeking business related career opportunities. The other three officers, Kate Wiser, Elle Bowman and Katie Aguiar collaborate with Brooklyn to create a framework and goal for each club session. Meeting about two times per month, the WIB club has gained quite a bit of a following. With the help of social media platforms and word of mouth, the club increased its members to about 30 students per meeting. Club President Passama described one of the essential focuses of the club being to “find inspiration from established female business owners involved in the entrepreneurial world.” From this, members have exposure from entrepreneurs in the real world and get a better understanding of what their jobs could look like. Meeting in Mrs. Bailey’s room, 609, the club encourages all students of all backgrounds to seek guidance and advice from club lessons. On December 14th, WIB will host a local women’s shelter using holiday donation boxes in support of underprivileged women and girls. They are asking for donations of clothes, blankets, menstrual products and cash donations. When asked why she wanted to promote this, Brooklyn replied with “I feel it’s extremely important to give back to women in need, and if we’re fortunate enough, we need to.”
Brooklyn is not the only leading officer, Vice President Kate Wiser and others have taken on important responsibilities in WIB. In preparation for each meeting, Kate, Elle and Katie collaborate with Brooklyn to build a game plan for each session. While Brooklyn and Kate usually plan out the overall idea of the meeting, Katie and Elle work on how they can ensure a comfortable and engaging meeting for students. Kate expressed her excitement for the future of Women in Business, “I am very hopeful for WIB’s future. Personally, I believe guest speakers and student-led lessons can be quite inspirational.”

The Women in Business club has brought multiple female business owners on campus to speak on behalf of their background in entrepreneurial careers. In November, Livermore’s own Alicia Shaffer, creator of many successful companies like Three Bird Nest, Primm Boutique and WIllow & Wolf Ranch came to campus to speak. As an experienced and successful business owner, Mrs. Shaffer was brought to educate and answer questions of curiosity for aspiring students. The business coach led a powerful lesson on how she got started, how to set goals and what students can do in highschool to prepare for their future. Another compelling speaker was one of Granada’s teachers, Ms. Loughlin. Her small baking business, Royal Crumb Bakery is the perfect example of how time and effort can bring you a long way. Mrs. Loughlin spoke on how she got into the baking business, how she balances it with other commitments and what she wishes she would’ve known prior. Her lesson showed students how entrepreneurial careers can be achieved in many fashions. WIB club officers are excited for upcoming meetings after the new year to dive even deeper in creating a hands-on, fulfilling experience for all interested students.

Brooklyn Passama • Dec 10, 2021 at 6:12 pm
You’re the best Wyatt! So proud of this club :,)