Ever since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russians in February 2022, the relations between the United Kingdom and Russia have worsened as the war went on. The United Kingdom was one of the very expressive countries with them being against the war and Russia’s hostilities towards Ukraine, with the U.K. playing a major role in opposing Moscow’s military aggression.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom provided humanitarian aid and military aid at the start of the war by providing anti-tank missiles, air defense systems, and artillery to Ukraine, helping stop the offensive of the Russians. This made the United Kingdom one of Ukraine’s biggest suppliers of military aid, along with the United States of America. The United Kingdom also participated in the many sanctions and bans towards Russia, with the European Union and some countries from the West.
Russia quickly responded to the actions of the United Kingdom, with officials accusing the nation of fueling the violence by providing aid and military support to Ukraine, resulting in diplomatic relations weakening significantly. Communication between both nations soured as both removed one another’s diplomats from their countries, leading to high tension with both countries. As the war goes on, the United Kingdom’s support for Ukraine increased heavily with figures of government remained committed to helping Ukraine and their cause, with giving training to Ukrainian soldiers in the United Kingdom before being sent to Ukraine.
Despite nuclear escalation by Russia, under President Putin who has stated frequent threats of atomic weapons being used towards N.A.T.O for their continued participation in the efforts of supplying Ukraine, with the United Kingdom being among them, aiming to deter from further escalation, calling the acts of N.A.T.O a direct threat to the national security of Russia, and with this Russia loosens ties with Western countries and moves towards countries such as China and India to rely on for economic trades and goods.
As the year 2025 has come, tensions still persist and grow even further, with additional armaments from the United Kingdom to Ukraine, specifically the use of Storm Shadow Missiles being used by Ukraine to target key areas of Russia, causing more tension with threats of declaration of war by Russian Military Officials and with the United Kingdom responded in kind, saying they are preparing to actively send troops in response to any invasion to any European or N.A.T.O allied countries. The United Kingdom has made it clear that they will continue to support Ukraine’s efforts in repelling the Russian aggression, unwavering in their resolve to stop this conflict by any means, with the United Kingdom preparing for war, readying their troops, and training for this possible war to occur.