Finals are coming up quickly and if you’re a freshman you may be scared, worried, or even happy about this significant time of the trimester. Freshmen should not stress themselves over the big test coming up in the next few weeks. This article dives into the feelings many freshmen have about finals and what they expect it to be like.
Although upcoming finals may seem difficult for many, some freshmen think it will be a piece of cake. After a trimester of learning different subjects, the following students are confident with their abilities to pass their exams.
“I’m feeling confident because right now it’s only freshman year and most of my classes are really easy so I’m pretty confident about it.” (Sidhanth Lall 9).
“I took Algebra 2 here last year so I know what it’s like. It’s pretty easy.” (Tanay Deka 9).
Listening in class alongside studying can help students retain essential information and will benefit the score you will get on finals. Tanay Deka and Sidhanth Lall are both very intelligent and their confidence shows their ability to focus on their studies and get good grades in their classes.
Many other freshmen think their finals are going to be hard and are anxious about them. Gabrielle Reggans shares that she’s feeling, “Scared, anxious, stressed, because it’s a lot of work to study for all those classes, and its so many big tests all in one week.”
A majority of the other freshmen agree with these feelings and are not feeling prepared for their finals. Multiple students expect all of their finals to be hard because they’ve never gone through finals before and don’t have the experience that the older classes have. A student with a similar opinion is Stella Ramos (9). Stella is worried about the upcoming finals week and says, “I’m expecting it to be kind of difficult just because it’s the whole trimester.” Although Stella feels the test will be difficult, she also feels like she will succeed. Due to her great work in her classes this trimester, Stella has excellent grades and hopes she can remember the important information for the test.
The class of 2027 is new to the school which means most freshmen are not very sure what to expect during finals week. Freshmen asked questions that are basic and also crucial so here are some of the answers to them.
Q.1- What going to be on the test?
A.1- It depends on the class the final is specifically for. For example, Conceptual Physics classes will most likely be doing a project while Biology will most likely be doing a test. Make sure to check in with your teacher for extra information.
Q.2-What do we do during and after a test?
A.2-During the test, students need to have their focus on their test and their test only. Most classes will not allow students to leave their seats and it needs to be 100% quiet. After you finish your test your teacher will either want you to read a book or focus on some activity you can do by yourself that will not distract other students.
Q. 3- How much does the test affect your grade?
A.3-Depending on the class, tests or projects will be graded to your teacher’s desire. If the grade you get on your final is similar to the grade you have or even slightly bigger your grade will not be affected as much as someone who gets a grade less than their current grade. Make sure to study and take the time to retain the information you are given in your class so you can be confident during finals week.
Granada is approaching finals week and freshmen are sharing their feelings on finals, their opinions start to come through and many sense as if their tests will be challenging. Though many feel the same way about the tests there are a few who think the exams will go by easily and aren’t stressing like a majority of the 2027 class. We hope everyone has a great week and does well on their finals!