Previously, Granada High School had an open campus, meaning that kids from all grades were allowed to leave at lunch. It is no secret that GHS has students from 10th and 11th grade sneak off campus to lunch. This year our campus supervisors have been quite strict about our campus policy and establishing that it is a privilege, not a right. Students have gone as far as to hop back fences and find anywhere with lower security. Wouldn’t it just be more safe to allow all students off campus? Safer for students and easier for our supervisors and office staff?
Campus supervisor, Jon Spect, started working with Granada last year and was moved to the front of campus where seniors leave at lunch. He recently has locked down on the seniors-only policy, as well as the rule about walking around campus (wanderers beware there’s a list of students). Spect says, “Yes, I think this year we have definitely paid more attention when we let seniors off campus. I’m well aware that there are students that will jump the fence, depending on the day, I catch anywhere between 2 and ten kids after lunch.”
Spect commented, “It isn’t good for the school when we have lots of students leaving and not returning at all, or missing parts of their fourth period for a longer lunch.” Everyone can agree, especially Mr. Spect, that leaving campus at lunch is earned not expected.
Surveying random seniors, it has become clear that most seniors don’t actually leave for lunch but the privilege is appreciated. GHS Senior Annabel Nicholson says, “I don’t actually like to leave at lunch, it’s expensive to buy food every day. I also live too far away to go home every day which I know most of my friends do.” She continues, “I do like that I can go off campus if I want to and I have before, I’ve also never been late back to my fourth period.” Nicholson refers to her Junior year saying, “I do wish that we were allowed off campus once we could drive, I feel like that’s reasonable. I’ve always had good attendance and I feel like the policy could change to let at least Juniors off.”
On the other hand, Nora Blair, another GHS senior says, “I leave campus every day for lunch. That doesn’t mean I always buy food, but sometimes we’ll go back home. It’s nice to be able to have some freedom, like having a reward for good behavior.” Blair also mentioned that “last year I wish we could have been able to go off campus. I mean most of us could already drive, and if they couldn’t we would carpool.” After hearing from these seniors, and our new campus supervisor, we see that off-campus lunch is a reward for good attendance and good behavior.
Both these students do not have any unexcused absences and are rewarded with the responsibility of an off-campus lunch. It makes sense that freshmen and sophomores may not be allowed off because they aren’t old enough to have a license, but conveniently there are multiple food options available, some even healthy, within walking distance of campus. Specifically this year, it has been made very clear that an open campus lunch is a big privilege and only seniors with good attendance may leave, but what about the juniors?
Granada High Junior, Natasha Aguirre says, “It seems nice to be able to have a little break from school. I doubt I would leave every day but it would be nice to have the opportunity to get lunch.” She mentioned, “I haven’t ever had an unexcused absence and I think I’ve only been late to school a few times, just because of traffic. I know I’ve also heard that Granada used to be an open campus and that the lunch used to be much longer.”
Another GHS junior, Adelyn Chung says, “I probably wouldn’t leave at lunch, I’m very close to getting my license but right now I just have a permit. I do think it would be a nice thing to look forward to once I do get my license. I am also friends with lots of seniors and I wish I could go to lunch with them, but I’m grateful that they’ll stay with me on campus so I’m not alone.” Chung continues, “I haven’t ever had an unexcused absence, and I do not plan on it. I would definitely be back on time if I was allowed to leave at lunch.”
Both of these students do not have unexcused absences but they are not rewarded with the responsibility of an off-campus lunch. It seems like no matter what the rules or surveillance change to, there will always be students hopping the fence or sneaking around. Why not allow responsible students to leave, keeping students safer and supervisors less busy? Spect comments, “I end up checking the surveillance cameras every day in order to see what students jumped over the fence by the library.” Allowing only seniors, juniors, and possibly sophomores who have a history of good behavior and good attendance off campus at lunch, would also encourage students to maintain their grades and attendance. Instead of seeing students hopping fences, we would see students hustling to class in order to gain the privilege of an open campus.