Granada Profile: Vice Principal Ai Vu

October 21, 2022
The class of 2024 received Ms. Vu this year to replace Ms. Sugden as their vice principal. This year marks Vu’s 33rd year working in education. Ai Vu began working as a teacher at Kennedy High School in Fremont, teaching science for 20 years. Originally she was going to be a chemical engineer but fell in love with teaching while working a summer job where she taught kids computer science. Through a series of events she was pushed into working as an administrator at Kennedy High where she stayed at that position for 8 years.
What Brought you to the position of Vice Principal here?Â
“I was looking for a place closer to home, and I already knew the community well. I applied for a position at Livermore High, but I was surprised to be offered the position here at Granada. I already knew Granada very well because my kids attended school here.”
What is your favorite part about working here?                                                     Â
“The staff are helpful and friendly. Everyone has the common goal of supporting and helping students here, and I have felt welcomed by the staff and students. I like talking to students about their goals and their future. It’s different from being a counselor because there are resources that administrators have to help students that a counselor would not. I feel like I can be the hub of information for students and direct them to the appropriate support.”Â
What is a good message for the junior class?                                                   Â
“Planning for your future is important and there is time to make the decisions on your horizon. When you are planning, shoot for the highest possible dream you are most capable of.”
What plans do you have for yourself in the future?                                                      Â
“I would like to be a principal of a middle or high school as of now. I don’t have the time in my career to be a superintendent. I would go for it if I was younger. A series of events pushed me into administration, and I now love it (9th year). I can do more to help kids in my position than when I was a teacher.”
Ai Vu has dedicated so much of her time and passion toward the education of students. She plans on continuing to do so until she decides to retire.