The LVJUSD School Board is made up of five trustees who oversee the nineteen schools in the district, covering both alternative schools like Vineyard and conventional elementary, middle, and high schools. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to: overseeing district policies, managing budgets, and ensuring the quality of education for all students. The five trustees of the Board serve in staggered four-year terms and the seats are currently held by Craig Bueno, Steven Drouin, and Emily Prusso. The final two were held by Yanira Guzmán and Kristie Wang, but the new round of elections were done and the two seats were replaced.
The polls opened on November 5th after months of campaigning from six candidates: Tara Boyce, Deena Kaplanis, Jean Paulsen, Amanda Pepper, Margarita Tufts, and finally, Christiaan VandenHeuvel. After a little more than a week of votes coming in and being counted, the seats were won by Deena Kaplanis and Christiaan VandenHeuvel.
We were unable to get in touch with Deena Kaplanis but we were able to follow up with VandenHeuvel from the previous article (https://ghspomegranate.com/5608/news/lvjusd-school-board-elections/)
Who won the election?
“The two open seats for the LVJUSD School Board were won by Deena Kaplanis and myself. We will officially be installed prior to the regularly scheduled School Board Meeting on December 17. I am very honored to serve our community in this capacity.”
How are their views similar or different from yours?
“I am looking forward to working with Deena and see where our perspectives align and where we may approach challenges differently. While we might have distinct approaches or educational philosophies, I am confident we share a strong commitment to public education and a focus on ensuring the success of all students as our highest priority.”
How are their views for the future different than yours?
“As I begin working alongside Deena and the three other Trustees, I look forward to gaining a better understanding of our individual visions for the district. I believe our shared dedication to supporting students, teachers, and families will guide the Board’s efforts, even as we bring diverse perspectives to the table.”
What are your future plans (do you plan to run in the future or do something else)?
“The upcoming approval of a By-Trustee map and its sequencing decision will significantly shape future elections. These decisions will likely guide discussions among board members about the possibility of running for newly created “by area” Board seats in 2026. For now, my focus is on serving the district and community to the best of my ability in the coming years.”
As the LVJUSD community welcomes its two newest School Board Trustees, Deena Kaplanis and Christiaan VandenHeuvel, the district embarks on a new chapter of leadership and collaboration. With both trustees expressing a shared dedication to public education and student success, the future holds opportunities for growth and innovation across the district’s 19 schools. As VandenHeuvel noted, the diverse perspectives within the board will strengthen its ability to address challenges and implement meaningful change. The community will be watching closely as the new board members take their seats on December 17, ready to make an impact and uphold the district’s commitment to excellence.